Top Ten Classic Video Games

Origins: Pong was based on a game called ‘Tennis for Two’ which was a simulation of a game of tennis on an oscilloscope. Databank  Physicist William Higginbotham, the designer, goes down in history as creating one of the first electronic games to use a graphical display. The Concept: The game is intended to represent a game of Tennis or Table Tennis (Ping Pong). ua24news

 Each player has a bat; the bat can be moved vertically. The screen has two horizontal lines on the top and bottom of the screen. A ball is ‘served’ and moves towards one player – that player must move the bat so that the ball hits it. Info24 The ball rebounds and moves back the other way. Depending on where the ball hits the bat, the ball will move in different directions – should it hit one of the top or bottom lines, then it will bounce off. Doskonalo The idea is simply to make the other player miss the ball – thus scoring a point. Game play: while it sounds utterly boring, the game play is actually very addictive. It is easy to play but very difficult to master. Novitnosti Especially with faster ball speeds, and more acute angles of ‘bounce’. Nostalgia: for me this is the father of video games. Without Pong you probably wouldn’t have video games – it started the craze that would continue grow and become a multi-billion dollar industry. Origins: this game was developed. Oyway

Konami in 1981, and was the first game to introduce me to Sega. At the time it was very novel and introduced a new style of game. The Concept: Easy – you want to walk from one side of the road to the other. Rivenditorisoftware Phew made it – hang on, who put that river there. Better jump on those turtles and logs and get to the other side – hang on that’s a crocodile! AHHH! It sounds easy – the cars and logs are in horizontal rows, and the direction they move. Sognandoilgiappone The number of logs and cars, and the speed can vary. You have to move you frog up, down left and right, avoiding the cars, jumping on logs and avoiding nasty creatures and get home – do this several times and you move to the next level. Game Play: Yet another simple concept that is amazingly addictive. Miryampalasanima

This game relies on timing; you find yourself dinking in and out of traffic, and sometimes going nowhere.  The graphics are poor, the sound is terrible, but the adrenalin really pumps as you try to avoid that very fast car. Stefaniameloni  Or the snake that is hunting you down! Nostalgia: I love this game for many reasons. Origins: Tomohiro Nishikada, the designer of Space Invaders was inspired by Star Wars and War of the Worlds. He produced one of the first shooting video games and drew heavily from the playability of Breakout. Marcoangiolucci

The Concept: aliens are invading the Earth in ‘blocks’ by moving down the screen gradually. As the intrepid savior of the Earth it’s your task to use your solitary laser cannon, by moving horizontally, and zapping those dastardly aliens out of the sky. Luckily, you have four bases to hide behind – these eventually disintegrate, but they provide some protection from the alien’s missiles. Cowhollowcapital

When you have combat so intense that you’re literally ducking out of the way from behind your monitor. While these things definitely contribute to an awesome game and can lead to a lot of excitement. Siding matters

They cannot make up for a lack of storyline. One thing many players crave whether consciously or not is a strong storyline that leads them into caring about the game – it entices you – and makes you feel as though your wildest dreams. Iptvpremium

If you compare such an audience exposure rate to the most popular video watched on you tube, it is easy to see why advertisers are turning to free online games to reach global audiences. What’s more intriguing are the demographics behind casual game players with a considerable percentage of the audience being young adults. Carsflick


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